Professional appraisers understand both the connoisseurship of objects and the markets in which they are bought and sold. Knowledge of both is essential to collectors who wish to acquire the highest quality art at the best price, or to sell their items at greatest advantage.
Let Art Appraisals of Santa Fe be your personal curator
Individual and institutional collectors always can benefit from an objective, expert opinion when building, refining, or selling collections. AASF owner, Michael Ettema, has 29 years of experience as a museum curator, educator, and director plus 10 years of experience in the art and antiques trade as a Santa Fe gallery director. He can help you manage, build, or sell your collections with these services:
• Identification and Inventory

Image courtesy Medicine Man Gallery
If you have an existing collection that needs to be organized and documented, Michael can conduct the research, evaluation, and writing necessary to help you thoroughly understand exactly what you own. A comprehensive view of your collection is essential to any decisions you make about it.
• Collections Planning
Perhaps you’ve started—or wish to start—a collection and want to set achievable goals. Collections planning has always been vital to institutions that must be sure their collections meet their organizational needs. Now, private collectors are realizing that a well conceived plan can help them get the most out of their personal or corporate art budgets. Michael has extensive experience helping both individuals and organizations focus their collecting priorities and create realistic acquisition plans.
• Refining Collections
Often, a good plan will identify items in your collection that are no longer appropriate. Michael can evaluate each item’s quality, condition, history, rarity, and desirability in the marketplace so you can make informed decisions about what to keep and what to let go. Selling the right items can free up cash to acquire the things you really want.
• Buying and Selling
The art and antiques market is a bewildering landscape of dealers, brokers, galleries, shows, and auctions. Prices, opinions of quality, and even the “facts” rarely are consistent from one venue to another. Who can you trust to tell you know exactly what you’re buying or selling, and make sure you’re not paying too much or asking too little? As your personal curator, Michael will help you find the best markets for buying and selling, and the best quality items at prices that fit your collecting ambitions.
Call or email today for a free consultation.
Michael Ettema, ISA • 6 Casa del Oro Way • Santa Fe, NM 87508 • 505.231.8293 • •